Angel Venture Fair Education Day 2012

By Angel Venture Fair (other events)

Wednesday, February 15 2012 3:30 PM 7:30 PM EDT
Early stage companies need funding, which has become increasingly difficult to obtain in the current economic climate. The 2012 Angel Venture Fair can help change that! If you are an entrepreneur with a plan, the region’s angel and venture capital investors and over 30 Angel Venture Fair supporting organizations want to help you take your business to the next level.

To prepare the area’s entrepreneurs to maximize their chances of obtaining the funding they need to develop their businesses, the organizers of the Angel Venture Fair invite you to attend the Angel Venture Fair – Education Day, which is being held on Tuesday, February 15, 2012 at Blank Rome LLP.

This event, titled From Succeeding at the Angel Venture Fair to Negotiating Your First Term Sheet, will feature exciting programming on several key issues faced by early stage companies. At the Angel Venture Fair – Education Day, entrepreneurs will learn ways to best position their businesses to be selected as a presenting company at the Angel Venture Fair, participate in workshops focused on key topics to help early stage companies attract investment and watch experienced entrepreneurs and investors negotiate the finer points of an early stage company investment.

The workshops at the Angel Venture Fair – Education Day, From Succeeding at the Angel Venture Fair to Negotiating Your First Term Sheet, on February 15, 2012 will include:

Session I: Surviving Selection Day
Session II: Workshops on Key Topics to Help Entrepreneurs Attract Investment
Session III: Mock Term Sheet Negotiation

Now is the time to position your business and seek the capital it needs to get to the next level. The supporting organizations and funding sources associated with the Angel Venture Fair are poised to help. If you are an entrepreneur in need of funding for your business, we look forward to seeing you at the Angel Venture Fair – Education Day, From Succeeding at the Angel Venture Fair to Negotiating Your First Term Sheet, on February 15, 2012 at Blank Rome LLP.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].